Thursday 22 August 2013

Goals (Anheim's Tale).

In the following order:

1. Protect Enlightened Love, at any cost.
2. Fight for peace and freedom, when neccessary.
3. Complete Figher Training in the Tempus's name, mostly Katana Fighting. ((up to lvl 8)).
4. Complete Warrior Monk Training in the Tempus's name. Mostly Dexterity, Running Speed and General Combat Ability. ((up to level 4)).
5. Complete Sorcery Training in the Tempus's name, mostly mage armour spell. ((up to level 2)). ((completed)).
6. Learn how to use Katana and other Exotic Weapons. ((completed)).
7. Complete more advanced Yogi training, with unarmed combat ((up to monk level 8)).