Monday 5 August 2013

Aunt Witch.

I've met Jonni Aelthasson (son of Aelthas Benthur and Lycka Zomasdottir) in Peltarch.

I've noticed he grew enough to wear armor and wield weapon.

He has still to find his way.

After short and slightly humorous talk, i've told him to seek aunt Chea if he needs arcane aid. Then i've shown him my way, of illusory visualization.

With raised left hand (inner part upwards) i've visualized white lotus flower above it, spinning clockwise and sending energy outwards. For purifying energies.

I've revealed to him that it was prestidigitation cantrip (in which i am quite skilled, depending on challenge).

It's simple cantrip to practice: just imagine it, then project it by imagining how other can perceive it via Mind connection. For example that they imagine it on their own. Arcane Gestures (or Mudras) and/or Arcane Words help, as long as they make sense internally. The more sense, the better.