Sunday 11 August 2019

Star Harpy (Frances' Tale).

... it seems that 'Star Harpy' - a Spelljamming Skyship - arrived in Narfell again, floating near a cave-entrance to Oscura.

... something is brewing, not sure what.

Spelljamming Ships are one of many means of travel, between Planes and Worlds.

-- Frances, a Curious Witch of Darkhavens.

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Spine Pains (Anheim's Tale).

... since a while, i have pains in spine ... i have to endure, my physical combat ability is seriously reduced as well.

... i made friends, i think ... while we were hunting a dire bear near peltarch, in orcish territory.

... we got 'so lost' ... endeared orc lands without their permission ... killed orcs, killed rampaging dire bear and it's master - wereboar spell-caster, as well.

... we've also fought and killed a menacing human warrior-fanatic of the 'Cult of the Dragon' - he sought 'a hermit' in this area - he said he wanted to 'talk'.

... we've survived orc ambush at our way out, as well.

... during this trip, i've mostly observed and advised ... but sometimes fought physically as well.

... during fight with dire bear and his master, i've waved staff at wereboar caster as well - to distract - perhaps that's why he charged instead of casting too much.

... i suspect this wereboar was some priest or shaman ... he didn't feel as arcanist - but who knows? ... there are sorcerers and wizards among more barbaric races and tribes as well, not only necromancers and demonologists.

... or was he 'fury druid' ?

... fury deities are darker side of druidism, but still part of 'Balance', 'Nature's Balance', etc.

... probably there's more to this philosophy, more than just destroyng 'old & rotten' - so new life can grow again.

... got some gold, some equipment - nothing very thrilling, however.

... goblin hide cloak can be useful in rawlinswood guard watch, at least - it hinders movements, it makes someone look uglier, but also drives away lesser foes and most importantly - helps to remain alert.

-- Anheim, martial artist & yogin ... of Tempus and Selune.