Thursday, 17 June 2021

Hayashi (Character Description).

/ Work in Progress. /

Name: Hayashi.
Character Idea: Ninja Assassin.
Deity: Mask / pretends to be atheist /.


Strength: 12,
Dexterity: 18 / +5 with items, more with Cat's Grace spell /,
Constitution: 12,
Intelligence: 16 / +3 with items, more with Fox Cunning spell /,
Wisdom: 10,
Charisma: 10.

Alignment: Neutral Evil.

While impressed by people who manage to be good, he considers himself 'too weak to be good'.

Ninjutsu is evil path.

... at least hunting orcs, kobolds & giants helps local community, beside giving gold coins.

He likes gambling.

-=- When wearing his Intelligence enhancing items, -=-
-=- he can cast 2x 1st circle spells, 2x 2nd circle spells & 2x 3rd circle spell per day. -=-

-=- Usually it's 2x Ghost Visage, 2x Cat's Grace & 2x Darkfire. -=-

His Death Attack's DC (difficulty class) depends on Intelligence and Assassin's Level.

DC = 10 + Assassin's Level + Intelligence Modifier (+4 with Int of 19).

So it's 20 now, more with Increased Intelligence (Fox Cunning and/or Greater Fox Cunning).


-=- Assassin's Armor. -=-

-=- For Dodging, for Physical Protection, and for Attacking. -=-

-=- Boots of Dodging. -=-

-=- For dodging blows in Combat. -=-

-=- Excellent Quality Bow. -=-

-=- For fighting at range. -=-

-=- Balanced Short Sword. -=-

-=- For melee. -=-

-=- Enchanted Short Sword. -=-

-=- For melee. -=-

-=- Cloak of Protection. -=-

-=- Protection in Combat. -=-

-=- Helm of Intelligence. -=-

-=- For spellcasting and Assassin's Death Attack ability. -=-

-=- Ring of Discipline. -=-

-=- For resisting some Combat Tricks -=-
-=- (as Knockdown, Called Shot, Disarm). -=-

-=- Mind Protecting Ring of Intelligence. -=-

-=- For Spellcasting, for Assassin's Death Attack Ability and for Protecting the Mind. -=-

-=- Ring of Strength and Herb-Lore. -=-

-=- For hauling loot, and for working with herbs - either healing or poisons. -=-

-=- Acrobatic Clasp. -=-

-=- Helps to be more Dextrous and to resist some combat tricks. -=-
-=- (as Knockdown, Called Shot or Disarm). -=-

-=- Belt of Agility. -=-

-=- Both offense and defence. -=-

-=- Also, useful for other situations where Agility is needed. -=-

-=- Protective Bracers. -=-

-=- Protection in Combat. -=-

-=- Slashing Arrows. -=-

-=- Slightly enchanted to do extra damage.

-=- Flesh Harvest Arrows. -=-

-=- Strongly enchanted to do extra damage.

-=- Barkskin Potions. -=-

-=- Protects in combat against physical attacks. -=-

-=- Potions of Endure Elements. -=-

-=- Protect against Elemental Attacks (for example fire arrows or lightning bolt spell). -=-

-=- Elven Mead. -=-

-=- Protects against Mind Magick (as Confusion spell for example). -=-

-=- Potion of Fox Cunning. -=-

-=- Increases Intelligence, therefore also Assassin's Death Attack Ability. -=-
-=- (He has head for Atemi, for striking at vulnerable points on enemy's body). -=-

-=- Potion of Greater Fox Cunning. -=-

-=- Increases Intelligence, therefore also Assassin's Death Attack Ability. -=-
-=- (He has head for Atemi, for striking at vulnerable points on enemy's body). -=-

-=- Potion of Invisibility. -=-

-=- For escaping near-death situations.-=-

-=- Potion fo Bless. -=-

-=- Increases Combat Prowess of whole group for a while. -=-

-=- Cure Serious Wounds Potions. -=-

-=- For self healing. -=-

-=- Cure Moderate Wounds Potions. -=-

-=- For self healing. -=-

-=- Cure Light Wounds Potions. -=-

-=- For self healing. -=-

-=- Cure Serious Wounds Balm. -=-

-=- For healing oneself or others. -=-

-=- Sinberries. -=-

-=- For a cost-efficient healing of oneself or others. -=-

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