Dear Journal,
Our fellow Cerulean Knight was taken to the orc fortress, so a group of adventurers went for a rescue.
i arrived late, so i do not know details, but key to teleporting to this place was setting aflame a cloak of a local sorceress, Kania Venommist.
We did this then found ourselves locked in a cell after we teleported.
Roslyn Underhill, our hin adventuress and lock-picker handled the lock with ease then one of orcs looked into our cell.
Quickly charmed by a spell, he was friendly for a while and when more orcs arrived we turned invisible while orc told them he's doing 'stuff' and they went onward.
Soon the charm spell faded, so we knocked our 'friend' unconscious and locked in a cell.
We went on a corridor, and inspected nearby cells.
Found some captured adventurers, including a drow assassin named Jin'lek Mizzrim, who helped with a djinn-rescue earlier.
We let him go, he skulked in shadows and aided us by scouting and poisoning orc meals as they feasted in the fort.
There were some fights with orcs and their beasts, but they were weakened by poison - so we won fairly easily each time.
Finally we found our Cerulean Knight, and after a fight with orcs who followed him, we went onwards.
Then we arrived in a main mess hall with orc bodies of poisoned fort's orc staff.
There was exit from the fort, we considered whether we want to plunder possible treasures of the fort, or leave sooner.
Cerulean Knight and Drow left, we decided to press our luck and explore.
One of the doors was inscribed with runes meant to fire at those who try to open it.
... i've tried dispelling, but instead of severing arcane threads linking doors to a negative energy plane - i miscast to the extent that wards exploded and portal opened from which shadow-creatures emerged.
After a fight, with almost a casaulty we recovered with use of potions ... and went on through now-open doors.
This part of the fort was darker than other places ... as we went on we've encountered incubus demon bound in a pentagram circle.
As it tried to seduce Kania into releasing him, we did attack.
He was tough but unable to defend itself, bound by a circle. He died and returned to abyss just before Kania broke the circle.
Corridor turned right and we've witnessed a hall where a really big orcish warlock, surrounded by arcane dark mist spoke to us.
He offered us treasures if we leave immediately, but we wanted him dead - he admitted that prisoners are 'experiments', and we concluded that if we leave, he'll gather more of people in that role.
Orc left to a nearby room, and we proceeded with dispelling the mist - as it magickally hindered our movements, and made orcish warlock invulnerable to our attacks.
After several minutes mist was gone and we saw orc surrounded again by mist, chanting, opening portals to abyss.
From portals demons poured - from Quasits, to Vrocks, Succubi and later even one Balor - as we focused on dispelling, while our warriors fought the menace.
Finally mist was gone, and Orcis Warlock became vulnerable. Alvaniel's strong blow disrupted his focus, and Balor Demon was gone.
Soon after Orc Warlock fell, we questioned him then killed, plundered his fortress where he ruled other orcs - and left, returned to Peltarch.
Near Peltarch we set up a camp where we divided spoils.
i've got three scrolls, three potions, and 3000 gold pieces as my share.
Scrolls were powerful, and potions still not so meek.
- Horrid Wilting, 8th Circle Spell Scroll,
- Incendiary Cloud, 8th Circle Spell Scroll,
- Tenser's Transformation, 6th Circle Spell Scroll,
- Potion of Greater Stoneskin,
- Potion of Greater Eagle's Splendour,
- Potion of Greater Owl's Wisdom.
Now i have about 3200 gp on me, and 9010 gp in Peltarch's 1st Bank ... and many valuable items in my bags.
-- Yours, Chea Allin, Adventuress & a Cerulean Star 2nd.
More Fight.
Firebrand - Hit.