Wednesday 15 November 2017

The Power of One Hundred Elementals.

Dear Journal,

i did complete a Mist's Power, by buying a Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals,
the Censer of Controlling Air Elementals i do already have.

Censer has that precious quality that it's never used up ... but it's fail is that it can be used to summon only once a day.

Bowl can be used only ten times, but as often one desires - it's still useful as power burst, and Water Elementals are more powerful with their drown suffociation ability that can instantly kill. Otherwise they are fairly weak in combat, but probably stronger than me still.

Dear Journal,

i plan to call the power of one hundred elementals, by summoning them and making them come when called to obey.

These Elementals are weak, but not the meekest - and in this number they have the meaning.

i started doing it, under the Oscuran sway. Oscura is the Most Magickal town in the Land anyway, there are a proper Magickal Auras as well that i use to my advantage. i'll make sure they won't regret.

It will take me one hundred of days.

The Air Elementals are Genderless, and look suspiciously enough similar to Djinni.

Where's Djinni there Mandalas, however.

Under my command these will serve the Light far more.

-- Yours, Chea Allin, a Witch & a Seeker of Enlightened Energies.

The Censer.

A Bowl.

Beginning of the Preparations.

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