Thursday 9 November 2017


- Selûne's Symbol -

Dear Journal,

Selûne is goddess of light, the moon, stars, navigation, navigators, wanderers, questers, and goodly lycanthropes.

She cares for orphans & mad people as well.

In Peltarch we have a orphanage, we care for homeless, for orphans & for the mad there and at the shrine as well.

Personally i teach kids & older people how to read & write, it's one of my main services at the Temple, along with scribing, painting, copying & illustrating holy texts.

i try to be nice, but still there are people who wish me harm.

i often wonder how far i can go in self defense, when i can i prefer to not kill.

Other than offensive magick spells, i have tools that bring insanity - eye of madness & a horror robe that bring about various mental illness when used - from confusion to paranoia, overwhelming fear, among other.

Once someone is disabled that way, we can care for them at the temple - helping them to recover.

i prefer to not use such means when not neccessary, it's only responsible to be that way.

... but it's also responsible to protect weaker, using one's own wisdom.

... i think it's also responsible to protect those who are wiser & trusted authorities, even when they are more powerful, under their command.

Life is difficult, but one has to be compassionate & wise to the limit.

-- Yours, Chea Allin, a Selûnite Witch & a Seeker of Enlightened Energies.

Eye of Madness.

A Horror Robe.

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