Sunday 2 June 2013

Willow (Anheim's Tale).

Willow, it's the name of this woodish woman. I did not trust her at all at first. Then i overheard conversation, something that told me to give her a chance:

"I like to always have spells prepared to help others from becoming helpless - Freedom, Remove Paralysis, Remove Fear and such. Always some healing too, of course."

I had to say:

"I admit i do not trust strangers. But perhaps this time i was mistaken"

"Some strangers are trustworthy. Some aren't" said Shesarai, a woman i met just before.

"A stranger is really just a person you haven't gotten to know yet, anyway." Willow added.

"My name is Anheim" I spoke with hesistation.

"I'm Willow!"

She mentioned something about favorite spells she has for fun, irregardless of situation.

"So what brings you here, Anheim?"

"To help. I fight those who use anger and terror. With weapons fists and signs."

"'key. I'm a priestess, myself! Well, sort of. I like to think of myself more as an explorer and helping hand of those that travel. I'm not much for fighting except you've got to learn how to survive if you want to see far-away places."

"... and i am not in shape."

"Practice makes perfect, as they say! Although this place sure is dangerous, as soon as you step outside the towns."

"I know something about this. When i dreamed outside town gate it was little harsh... but i won't cry so much next time." I glanced towards said gate.

"But ther's lots to see and experience too, on the bright side."

"Yes, i agree."

Then Trish appeared.

"Miss Trish, i misjudged this woman perhaps"

She went along showing only a greeting nod. Perhaps she did not want to disturb our little talk.

"Can't really judge someone until you know them, i'd say. But i've definitely met people I don't really feel like getting to know, because of how they act."

"Yes, i can be rude. But i do not want and hope to drink tea with you someday."

"Oh, i don't find you very rude at all, compared to some others i've met" She smiled cheerily.

"I hope so. Perhaps i am just cautious".

"Cautious is fine. Some might even say that's the smart approach, but i never had it in me. I'm too curious to be cautious!"

Rest of talk was nice but trivial, if somewhat repetitive.. i went away after a while. Overall good evening.