Monday 6 March 2017

Raven's Call.

Dear Journal,

Recently heard a Raven's Call, as if she was warning me of incoming troubles.

Soon after did a divination, used my Silver Chalice filled with water & arcane magick.

As the mist rose from goblet, vision appeared.

There was someone who perceived my spirituality & arcane arts a possible threat to their goals.

In my mind insights appeared, and i've overheard that he or she is planning to hire less trained people without special equipment, but in considerable numbers. He or she wanted rangers, rogues and mages mostly, to set up an ambush for me if i pose too much of risk in a future.

i've considered this for a while, i stay mostly in Peltarch where guards are numerous.

They considered:
- an ambush on the road, as i travel,
- attack on a riverboat or in Norwick near boat landing,
- attack while i sleep at inn,
- bribing Oscuran leaders to set up ambush or 'trial' there,
- animal spies to observe when i leave city.

For travels, i rarely leave alone - when i do, i choose my company wisely - or travel on a boat.

i should use invisibility when i travel alone, taking advantage of my equipment that allows to move quietly - as well as choosing less travelled pathways, passing through less dense woods & uncommon roads - so they can't know which way i'll use.

i should be wary of animals - especially birds - that follow or spy on me.

In the City of Peltarch i am fairly safe, but i should sleep in Cerulean Knights' barracks.

Using ships i should not be seen openly, we should travel away from a spell-ranges reaching from dry lands.

Bribing Oscuran leaders or hiring competent adventurers is very costly, requires effort - i am not too big threat for now to afford that for them.

Considered moving quickly on a horse, but i can be spotted by animal spies, then traps can be laid on road - it's safer to travel invisibly.

i should be wary of staying at inns, it's easiest to setup ambush there it seems.

i should be alert & cautious as well.

-- Yours, Chea Allin, an Adventuress, a Witch & a Seeker of Enlightened Energies.

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