Monday, 14 July 2014

Recruitment, Land of Fate.

Dear Journal,

i've witnessed someone from Zakhara, Land of Fate, trying to get recruited into Cerulean Knight Ranks, while pretending it's a less altruistic service than in Zakhara, most likely.

Name: Ihsan al-Rashid

Profession: Travelling minstrel

Arcane knowledge: Cantrips and first tier arcane spells as of this writing.

Military experience: Four years of service in the Zakharan military, basic martial training.

I write this letter to express my interest in joining the Cerulean Knights of Peltarch as an upstart bard and former soldier. My travels have taken me far and wide since I left the road from Zakhara, and I see myself eager and willing to serve in a force dedicated to the use of magic. The knights are a good opportunity to apply what I have learned in a more altruistic context. In turn, I offer my sword and my skills as a scholar, a minstrel, and a warrior to the knights. I thank you for the consideration

-- Chea Allin, Cerulean star 1st, a follower of Enlightened Energies.

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