Sunday, 27 July 2014

Exploring Rawlinswoods (Lomy's Tale).

Lomy & Deer.

Dear Journal,

I've dared to explore safest parts of the Rawlinswoods again.

Entertaining Deer seemed pointless enough, so I reduced myself to scouting & killing few of goblins & wolves.

Donned my studded leather for that, and went fairly quietly this time, for I had no energy for healing or any other songs left.

Got wounded by wolf, retreated.

Then met a 'hin trader of Goblin goods, hiding his face under a helmet', by name of 'Ukka Tweeweaf'.

Sold him a raggy goblin doll that I found curiously on a goblin body, then bought a small shield... Not very protective, but light enough to not hinder my poor attempts at sneaking in woods too much. As if anything could, I have to add.

I'll have to rest for a while and recover from wounds.

-- 'Lomy', spent bard, therefore a quieter ranger.

Lomy & Ukka, probably a Goblin Ninja.

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