Thursday, 8 May 2014

Mystra's Way.

Dear Journal,

i went on duty again, and took my place in Peltarch Commons as usual... a night's duty this time.

People were present in Commons.

Then a spell happened, more or less known hin mage cast a Darkness Spell.

People were quiet and i felt it's rather artistic... so i waited with judgment and arrest, as proper Cerulean Knight should.

One woman left, i should ask her later.

Usual gossip and riff-raff, but hin mage gave a tribute to Ozi, Mystran Clergy.

- 'Mystra guide You' said Ozi,

- 'Yep.' he answered,

- 'indeed.' i added.

he should indeed follow Mystra's Ways, neither neglecting nor abusing spellcasting or not.

-- Yours, Chea Allin, Cerulean star 1st.

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