Sunday 29 December 2013

Divination Deck.

Dear Journal,

She did examine her divination deck, also known as Tarot.

She found cards that are well understood and she will share.

She found most interresting and well understood:

1. 'enlightenment',
2. 'clock',
3. 'eye',
4. 'fairy',
5. 'well',
6. 'mage',
7. 'warrior'
8. 'night'
9. 'dojo'
10. 'dance'
11. 'rogue'
12. 'monk'
13. 'bard'
14. 'shaman'
15. 'crystal'
16. 'ward'
17. 'love'
18. 'friend'
19. 'treasure'
20. 'tower'
21. 'death'
22. 'war'
23. 'plague'
24. 'poison'
25. 'demon'
26. 'twist'
27. 'rider'
28. 'rebirth'
29. 'katharsis'
30. 'mind'
31. 'spirit'
32. 'celestial'
33. 'devil'
34. 'animal'
35. 'raven'
36. 'ally'
37. 'enemy'
38. 'aura'
39. 'art'
40. 'moon'
41. 'lady'
42. 'man'

She felt head spin, and after short pain her thrid eye center on forehead was filled with energy. She had visions before, at this center, but this time didn't.

She will learn from Proper Teachers, and fight for the Truth to share.

She will paint her own cards as well, perhaps discarding some. She still needs to learn before her 'truths' can be True.

-- Yours, Chea Allin, novice in Savras's Arts.

P.S. She reported her progress to Peltarch HQ, with proper warning.

P.S.S. She prefers to not divine for herself, but perhaps she will.