Thursday, 17 June 2021

Hayashi (Character Description).

/ Work in Progress. /

Name: Hayashi.
Character Idea: Ninja Assassin.
Deity: Mask / pretends to be atheist /.


Strength: 12,
Dexterity: 18 / +5 with items, more with Cat's Grace spell /,
Constitution: 12,
Intelligence: 16 / +3 with items, more with Fox Cunning spell /,
Wisdom: 10,
Charisma: 10.

Alignment: Neutral Evil.

While impressed by people who manage to be good, he considers himself 'too weak to be good'.

Ninjutsu is evil path.

... at least hunting orcs, kobolds & giants helps local community, beside giving gold coins.

He likes gambling.

-=- When wearing his Intelligence enhancing items, -=-
-=- he can cast 2x 1st circle spells, 2x 2nd circle spells & 2x 3rd circle spell per day. -=-

-=- Usually it's 2x Ghost Visage, 2x Cat's Grace & 2x Darkfire. -=-

His Death Attack's DC (difficulty class) depends on Intelligence and Assassin's Level.

DC = 10 + Assassin's Level + Intelligence Modifier (+4 with Int of 19).

So it's 20 now, more with Increased Intelligence (Fox Cunning and/or Greater Fox Cunning).


-=- Assassin's Armor. -=-

-=- For Dodging, for Physical Protection, and for Attacking. -=-

-=- Boots of Dodging. -=-

-=- For dodging blows in Combat. -=-

-=- Excellent Quality Bow. -=-

-=- For fighting at range. -=-

-=- Balanced Short Sword. -=-

-=- For melee. -=-

-=- Enchanted Short Sword. -=-

-=- For melee. -=-

-=- Cloak of Protection. -=-

-=- Protection in Combat. -=-

-=- Helm of Intelligence. -=-

-=- For spellcasting and Assassin's Death Attack ability. -=-

-=- Ring of Discipline. -=-

-=- For resisting some Combat Tricks -=-
-=- (as Knockdown, Called Shot, Disarm). -=-

-=- Mind Protecting Ring of Intelligence. -=-

-=- For Spellcasting, for Assassin's Death Attack Ability and for Protecting the Mind. -=-

-=- Ring of Strength and Herb-Lore. -=-

-=- For hauling loot, and for working with herbs - either healing or poisons. -=-

-=- Acrobatic Clasp. -=-

-=- Helps to be more Dextrous and to resist some combat tricks. -=-
-=- (as Knockdown, Called Shot or Disarm). -=-

-=- Belt of Agility. -=-

-=- Both offense and defence. -=-

-=- Also, useful for other situations where Agility is needed. -=-

-=- Protective Bracers. -=-

-=- Protection in Combat. -=-

-=- Slashing Arrows. -=-

-=- Slightly enchanted to do extra damage.

-=- Flesh Harvest Arrows. -=-

-=- Strongly enchanted to do extra damage.

-=- Barkskin Potions. -=-

-=- Protects in combat against physical attacks. -=-

-=- Potions of Endure Elements. -=-

-=- Protect against Elemental Attacks (for example fire arrows or lightning bolt spell). -=-

-=- Elven Mead. -=-

-=- Protects against Mind Magick (as Confusion spell for example). -=-

-=- Potion of Fox Cunning. -=-

-=- Increases Intelligence, therefore also Assassin's Death Attack Ability. -=-
-=- (He has head for Atemi, for striking at vulnerable points on enemy's body). -=-

-=- Potion of Greater Fox Cunning. -=-

-=- Increases Intelligence, therefore also Assassin's Death Attack Ability. -=-
-=- (He has head for Atemi, for striking at vulnerable points on enemy's body). -=-

-=- Potion of Invisibility. -=-

-=- For escaping near-death situations.-=-

-=- Potion fo Bless. -=-

-=- Increases Combat Prowess of whole group for a while. -=-

-=- Cure Serious Wounds Potions. -=-

-=- For self healing. -=-

-=- Cure Moderate Wounds Potions. -=-

-=- For self healing. -=-

-=- Cure Light Wounds Potions. -=-

-=- For self healing. -=-

-=- Cure Serious Wounds Balm. -=-

-=- For healing oneself or others. -=-

-=- Sinberries. -=-

-=- For a cost-efficient healing of oneself or others. -=-

Sunday, 13 June 2021

Bandits & Staff.

Dear Journal,

It was a while since i wrote to You.

... i was buried under a ton of paperwork as a Cerulean, but now it's over.

Started travelling with fellow adventurers, exploring new lands.

Aside from long trip from Peltarch to Damara, other notable adventure was recovery of goods stolen from Heroes' Bluff by bandits that settled in Jiyyd ruins.

Bandits were human, elven and dwarven and posed a challenge to us.

Few of us hit the fugue plane, but were returned back by powerful priests.

We succeeded the recovery mission and found some things for our own uses as well.

After counting out fees to priests for True Resurrections, we've got 25 000 gp to split among us, some potions and few of items.

My share was about 4 200 gold pieces, lot of healing and invisibility potions ... and most importantly, the Staff!

This staff enhanced my spellcasting ability, providing energy for one extra 2nd circle spell per day ... and imparting ability to it's user, ability to cast Silence spell.

Silence, beyond it's use in concentration and meditation ... can be useful when fighting enemy spellcasters.

Just point and cast at a warrior ally and he/she will be surrounded with Silence Aura for a fairly short time.

While this ally engages enemy caster, silence aura denies the caster use of verbal components of his/her spells - usually means that he/she can't cast the most (or even all) of his/her spells!

... it can also target enemy caster directly, but then his/her willpower might be able to protect him/her from this spell.

Casting on ally is much more reliable solution.

-- Yours, Chea Allin, Adventuring Witch.

-=- Staff. -=-