Saturday 15 April 2017

Tanning Leather (Frances' Tale).

i've been in Norwick, hunting badgers & hawks - for meat & leather.

After spending some time at the Norwick fire, cooking meat with the salt, spices, onions, garlic, herbs & fat, i took a boat to Peltarch.

i've packaged this food well, so it should last for a while - and is certainly more tasty than dry adventuring rations as well.

At the crafting hall i did manage finally to cure some leather, but crafting gloves is still beyond me.

After i get some practice with the Tanning work, i plan to make myself gloves for enchanting, as well as a belt & some bags.

These items have to be of exceptional quality to fulfill the enchanting needs, there's still a lot of time & work before me to accomplish that.

i plan to enchant the Archery Gloves & the Archery Belt - crafted with my own hands as well.

-- Frances Darkhaven, an Adventuress & a beginning Tanner.

P.S. i heard that Tanning is extremely expensive - as these tanning oils & other tools cost a lot. So far i did spend about 200 gold pieces on these. Rumours are that people usually settle for simplest of items & bags - not caring to progress further. i'll see how i'll look in my case, as it's enjoyable - even if expensive - hobby, so far.


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