Rumours reached me that Atel Vai'sini, a hin bardess is being hunted by extraplanar beings.
Rumours said it's connected to a powerful magical artifact somehow.
i went to Norwick & Maria's Tower, where party gathered - either to help Atel or to participate in an adventure.
We struck a deal with a powerful mage, Abernathy the Banished - he would help Atel complete the Hourglass Artifact and get rid of extraplanar creatures if he gets Hourglass after Atel plays with it to corrects herself in the 'Timeline'.
Apparently she was hunted by Quarut, a powerful construct from the 'Mechanus' Plane, a construct capable of manipulating time & casting the 'Wish' spell. Apparently Atel did break some 'Laws of Time', that's why Quarut sought her.
Quarut's mechanical clockwork bird servitors circled around us, spied ... and informed their boss who tried to breach into Maria's tower.
An Empty Hourglass, to be filled with 'Sands of Time' was in hand of Abernathy's Rival, mage & half-fire-elemental Kyith.
Following Abernathy's advice we teleported to the ogre-infested moutain area just after Quarut brought arcane wards down, fought few frantic battles then reached the Temple of the Flame.
It was hot there, and it was only a beginning.
We proceeded down the lava-adorned corridors, disabled traps, fought elementals, lesser demons & undead ... then most of us entered the 'treasure room' that was a trap.
Struggling against time, as lava kept rising in room to engulf locked within - we kept working on the lock from both sides. My knock scroll failed, but lock was picked using roguish means instead. They escaped, lava was contained in a room.
Going little further we found a door protected by strong traps - and as it would soon unfold - by an 'Alarm' spell.
With alarm spell triggered, Kyith's one of simulacrums appeared started to deal with us, tried 'Geas' spell on Atel ... then we defeated it ... twice.
In library behind alarm, we found some books & scrolls ... as well as a stone that was a key to portal where we hoped the Empty Hourglass is.
Portal took us to the Pocket Plane of Earth & Magma, where hot air burnt, toxic wapors endangered lungs, where strong gravity & puzzles blocked way & where a Juvenile Red Dragon slept.
Magicks protected us, we proceeded ... unlocking runestone gateways with cold spells, sneaking past dragon as Atel sang a Lullaby-song for a dragon.
Then we entered a chamber with the Empty Hourglass, Treasure & Traps. We dispelled trap's triggers, recovered all that was possible then quit the Pocket Plane via a Runic Gateway.
Leaving temple, we teleported back to Peltarch.
My part of the treasure was a Magical Cloak, Firewall Crystals, Scrolls, Gems and few of items for sale.
Cloak will prove useful, i've adjusted it's looks in Violetta's Vanity Plates shop in Peltarch.
Rest of items are for sale, so far got over 5,000 gold pieces for these.
-- Frances Darkhaven, Noble Flame, an Adventuress & a Witch.
a Deal.
Cape of the Blaze.
Flame's Essence Crystals.