Sunday, 14 September 2014

Goblin Activities in Rawlinswood (Anheim's Tale).

Goblin Corpse, un-animated by Anheim's 'Ray of Frost' spell.

During free, after work on Leviathon (Cray's Ship), i've been going to Rawlinswoods to practice combat methods, including attempts at 'defensive expertise', but also other armed & unarmed tricks.

Noticed increased activities in and near Howling Woods.

Goblin corpse, animated by necromantic spell probably.

Two unusual goblin warriors... one armed with fists & stink bomb, other with a bow.

Dispatched them, then soon after left to Oscura to focus on my work for cpt. Cray Vincint.

After many failures, did some progress in Fighting Ways... We'll see how they are or aren't useful in a team later.

-- Anheim.

'Fat Fists'.

'Hulo The Hunter'.

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