Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Gnoll Recon.

An invisible scout, part 1.

Dear Journal,

i've been scouting gnolls invisibly as per Cerulean orders.

i've been able to see that they come from woods near Oscura.

i've been able to find a prominent one referred by others as 'Burka' more or less, perhaps a leader.

i've been able to steal this leader's tuft of hair for scrying more or less - was dextrous enough to do it unnoticed with my invisibility spell, and other spells.

-- Yours, Chea Allin, Cerulean Star 1st.

P.S. a little later i've been able to scry upon Gnoll Leader using stolen hair, tarot deck, and a Clairaudience / Clairvoyance spell. At safety of our modest Cerulean HQ... then wrote a report.

An invisible scout, part 2.

Tuft of Gnoll Hair recovered for Magical Observations.

Scrying in 'Cerulean & Defenders HQ'.

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