Saturday 7 September 2013

Mixing Energies.

Dear Journal,

I've done something bold.

I've dropped not small amount of Limbo's Essence into Oscuran Soulwell. Perhaps hellish hierarchy in this place will be confuded and collapse.

I almost fell into the Well in the process.

 photo MixingEnergies_zps8885698a.png

'... in Oscura shadows dance ...'

(dropping 'Limbo's Essence' into 'Well of Souls'.)

I've reported this to Cerulean HQ.

-- Yours, private Chea Allin, under Cerulean orders.

P.S. We can speak Mantra PE later, to release them from confusion (to help).

P.S.S. How it works? Essence of Limbo can be used to confude beings in an area. It ended in the soulwell, and affects beings there. Will it work on undead immune to mind tricks? Indirectly, yes, for they will react to strange behavior of living beings there, even if they are very small. Slowly at first, then gradually things will accumulate for changes to be noticed.