... i've found Him in my Dojo.
Famous warrior, Mr. Reemul De'Costa was waiting there for me.
He was considering whether i am worthy to be gifted with powerful weapon, he asked me some questions.
He wanted me to use this weapon responsibly and actively, to protect good, innocent people.
He wanted me to give the sword back to him peacefully, if he sees that i am not doing as he wanted.
... i've agreed, and then he wanted to duel with me to see if i am capable enough.
He wanted to see how i do when he's not wielding weapon... strange match with armours and shields, but he was only grappling and punching.
... it was even match, i've barely won.
Then we tried again, when he had his favourite scimitar in hands ... he made short work of me, match was ended in few seconds.
... it was a good lesson.
Anyway, he let me carry this powerful katana and prove that i am worthy of it... i'll need to be good and fight with honour for that.
... i've named the sword: 'Jitsugetsu no ken', which means: 'Sword of Sun and Moon'.
... i estimate that the market price of this katana sword would be about 500 000 gp, insane amount.