Peltarch's bureaucracy handled, place, equipment and people found, fees paid - and my Dojo is officially open.
Dojo is Kara-Turan (far eastern) word meaning: 'Training Place', but some people consider it also 'Temple of Martial Arts'.
-=- She's wearing training outfit - Black Gi. -=-
(White Gi is for beginners, Red Gi is for advanced students, Black Gi is for masters).
Beside our training services, we sell basic training equipment for those who want. We have secured virtually unlimited supply of these - if many people want to buy much.
In this place we'll teach Arts of Unarmed Combat (both hand/leg striking and grapple/throw/levers), Kobudo (Peasant Weapons) and Katana-Jutsu (katana sword fighting techniques).
We're open to allow anyone train with any weapon/armor/technique as long as he or she is reasonable, peaceful and knows what he/she is doing. But from our side, we have only three lessons (Unarmed, Kobudo and Katana-Jutsu) to offer. We gladly try these against other weapons, armors, lessons and techniques.
We allow for any kind of nonlethal duels or group fights in our arena, as well.
Unarmed Fighting.
In Kara-Tur - far east - peasants are not allowed to train combat. They train secretly, during the nights to have a fighting chance against trained soldiers.
We practice mostly striking martial arts - hand strikes and various kicks at vulnerable points of enemy's body. Vulnerable points are called: 'Atemi' points.
For those interrested we have also lessons of grappling, throws, chokes, levers and pressures - both for fighting while standing and for fighting on the floor.
We also teach use of Ki - internal energies, and of breath meditations that improve calmness and focus.
Kobudo - Peasant Weapons.
In far east - in Kara-Tur - peasants are forbidden to train or carry weapons, so lessons occur at night, secretly. Weapons are traditionally peasant tools, as walking sticks, sai - knife for planting rice, kama - tool for cutting rice, nunchaku - flail for threshing rice, tonfa - stick for grinding rice, and so on.
These weapons can be quite deadly in skilled hands and give peasant a fighting chance against armed soldiers.
Peasant weapons combat is called Kobudo in eastern martial arts.
It's said that Katana Sword is the pinnacle of weaponsmithing.
It's beautiful and deadly in skilled hands, and it's weapon of choice of samurai, knights under Kara-Turan Daimyo's, feudal lords.
Traditionally, Katana Sword is used either two-handed, or in one hand - but without shield.
Here i advise our students Adaptation over Tradition - using Katana Sword with Tower Shield. Katana with Shield works well here, in lands close to Narfell.
Word: 'synergy' means: 'more than sum of all parts'.
Unarmed Combat is a good start that prepares student for Kobudo and Katana-Jutsu lessons. Unarmed Combat and Kobudo is good starting point for Katana-Jutsu lessons.
These three lessons (Unarmed, Kobudo and Katana-Jutsu) work well together. One can kick enemy in belly before cutting off head, for example. After a succesful kick in belly, enemy bends forward, leaving his/her head vulnerable for cutting off.