Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Memories, Memories.

Dearest Journal,

... i wrote so much, but so little about my childhood & about my first Awakening to Magick.

My mother - Neanna - was an actress and my father - Vincent - was a mercinary soldier who travelled both near and far.

... i was born and raised in Cormyr, where i lived with my mother.

One evening i felt 'pulled' to the Elven woods of Cormanthor near, where i've found a glade with ancient circle of rune-stone monoliths.

Selune was in her Full Moon phase, and everything seemed so intense, so soaked with loving energies of Magick.

... i entered the Circle of Stones, and everything seemed to spin around me. Trees danced, Selune's light shine on me.

... i felt guided by unseen presence, heard ancient song in my head.

... i felt something made me to make strange gestures, speak ancient, arcane verses.

... i felt like a doll, with Selune pulling the strings and making me dance.

... then everything went bright around me, a light spell was cast.

... a light spell, the gift from Selune.

... danced there for a while, then felt tired and fell asleep on warm earth within the Circle of Runestones.

... everything was intense and meaningful, magical and loving, in a way it felt so right ...

Woke up in the morning and went back home.

There, i could not repeat the spell again.

Went to the stone circle again few times but everything was gentle and quiet.

Only when next full moon arose, the Circle of Stones felt alive again ... and i could cast the light spell again.

Voice in my head told me to seek 'Enlightened Energies'.

Later found a Monk from Kara-Tur who taught me how to meditate, how to seek the light within myself.

Even later i joined Arcane Academy in Damara, under patronage of Loviatar ... such emotional pain, i ran away without completing the Course.

And yet later again - when i was ready - a Rashemi Witch named Katarina appeared in my life to initiate me fully into the Witchcraft.

After that, me and my familiar - Nade, a black panther - found each other, and beginning of friendship between us did appear.

But these tales are for later, Dear Journal.

-- Yours, Chea Allin, a witch & a seeker of Enlightened Energies.