Thursday, 10 May 2018

A Poem - Tribute to Attentus.

Dear Journal,

My chores at Ashald's Park flowered with Arts, for i have a new Poem, written by myself, guided by insights.

'There is moonlight,
There are shadows,
Poison tear,
At meadow.

Many planes,
Many worlds,
So challenging,
Forces there.

Who is hero?
... he who suffers,
Love victorious,
Against Forces.'

it's a tribute to my Master, Attentus.

... i've glimpsed that even when he was aware how heroic he is, it brought him no light.

i doubt this poem's quality is enough considering the torments that Attentus went through, but it's only what i have for now.

... i wish to improve in Arts, Dear Journal.

-- Yours, Chea Allin, a Witch-student of Master Attentus.