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Character Description:
Starting age: 24.
With flowing, long, blue-black hair, black eyes & a pale skin, this young woman has far-eastern looks & accent.
Wearing Black Studded Leathers & carrying a Black Quarterstaff, she walks quietly, with a steady grace, as if 'kissing earth with her feet'.
On her neck she wears a small iron symbol of Mystra's Blue Star with an unusual White Early-First-Quarter Waxing Moon in the background.
Character Concept:
Her first name, 'Shu' means 'Pure'.
Her surname 'Li' means 'Black'.
Coming from far-eastern continent of Shou Lung, a Mage-Priestess caste member, a worshipper of Magickal Arts of Light & Shadow, a member of a sect believing in self-realization & self-ascension.
Sect is a movement of religious protest, many of great religions started as heresy & sects at first, were often persecuted.
She's gentle, strong, independent, cold, pragmatic, philosophical & seductive woman.
Her sect believed in Deva called Lady of Mysteries (known in West as Godess Mystra), it's goals are union with deva & awakening enlightened qualities within that ascended form to help countless beings.
They came to existence by illumination of few priests, who challenged traditional customs & devas with unorthodox & dangerous ideology. Not only by praising magick, but also by wielding power of light & shadow, by having mystical, supernatural access to the forbidden lore - ranging from dangerous spells, to dark secrets of Emperor's Court. Two of sect's mottos were that 'Moon's wisdom knows both of light and of darkness', 'Where's light, there's also shadow'.
Unconventional & non-traditional methods of her sect proved suspicious & very effective during recent years - this caused sudden rise in power and caused jealousy & fear within Shou Emperor's bureacracy.
A part of Emperor's bureacracy decreed sect illegal, school's training facilities were burnt and members massacred with only a few of survivors escaping - with the mission to keep school's secrets & lessons alive.
Shu Li fled west, knowing her home is no longer safe for her.
She swore to not use metal armour as a symbol of respect both to warriors who properly use metal armours, as well as a symbol of respect to magicians who cannot use it and cast spells. She wears black studded leathers, fights with black staff & longbow - using method called 'Zen Archery'. She uses magick - as an art-tool for combat, as well as an art-tool for other tasks.