a Cast.
Dear Journal,
... it was a quiet evening at commons, people did their things.
i talked with a Scout, Hen, Horfirith Henoseth.
then came Carl, a Card Master - Diviner.
... i ordered a cast, how to be more beneficial with enchants.
he gave me a promise, agreed to scry for us as well ... Hen was after a treasure ... for Erevan Ilsere, an Elven God of hers.
after a card game of poker, i won & lost few things.
... lost magickal knockers & 30 gold pieces, won a gem & rune.
then we went to Mermaid, to closed room, to Scry.
ritual was complex & small, power came to him.
he used cards as well ... they showed us the way.
... A moutain, a Cave & Death ... Ancient Mystery, Strength & a Witch.
... the Wyverns & Travellers as well.
... perhaps we'll go to seek, but not today it seems.
... with stronger party it's safer,
... it's worth to risk anyway.
-- Yours, Chea Allin, a Witch & a Seeker of Enlightened Energies.
P.S. ... it seems an Odd Runestone i got is a key, to scried 'a' treasure as well.
... an Odd Runestone.