Sunday, 2 March 2025

Kenji (Kenna's Tale).

In Far East, in Kara Tur, there are 8 millions of kami, as deities and spirits are called there.

From simple spirits of a pond, a tree or rock, to patron kami of villages or to greater deities.

During my pilgrimage to Kara-Tur, earlier in this life, I've trained basics of the Katana sword combat in one of the Dojos there, and this Dojo had a protector deity named Kenji.

Kenji is Protector Deity that knows both unarmed and armed Martial Arts, and has powers over lightning, thunder & travels. He can arrive fast where he's needed (to protect someone, for example), using one of his powers, called: 'Ride the Lightning'. He serves another Kara-Turan kami called Raiden.

Recently, in my dreams, Kenji called to me, telling to call him when I need aid in training and/or combat. And also he said that he wants to help to Protect my Dojo as well.

I liked it, so I guess i'll worship him, beside Tempus and Red Knight, from now on.

-=- Kenji, Protector Kami of Kenna's Dojo. -=-

P.S. Kenji has a sister named Astra, deity of Wisdom, Love & Art of Magick and Light.